Six Benefits of Training Your Dog

Six Benefits of Training Your Dog

Every dog owner knows training their dog is a good idea, but not everyone understands why. Training your dog has many benefits that can positively affect every part of your dog’s life. Training is a must if you want to create a safe and loving environment for your...
Orthopedic Changes in Aging Pets

Orthopedic Changes in Aging Pets

Pets are living longer than ever before, and we can expect orthopedic changes in aging pets. What orthopedic changes should we expect? Many will affect mobility for senior dogs and cats. The orthopedic changes we see in our aging pets often bring pain, decreased range...
How to Choose the Right Clothes for Your Pet

How to Choose the Right Clothes for Your Pet

If you’ve set foot in a pet store or perused a pet supply site recently, you’ve probably seen pet clothes in every size, shape, color, and style. In fact, there are so many pet clothing options that it might seem overwhelming to find some that work for your pet’s body...