Pet Grooming


With more than 80 years of combined pet grooming experience, our groomers will pamper and shower your pet with gentle, caring attention.


Why groom your pet?

  • Your pet will feel better with their nails trimmed and a clean, groomed coat.
  • Your pet will look better and enjoy the attention.
  • There are multiple health benefits from grooming.
  • Skip the hassle and mess of bathing or grooming your pet at home.
  • Show off your well-groomed pet to friends and family.

Our pet grooming service is popular, so please call us at 248-363-6262 to schedule your pet’s next appointment. For your convenience, we offer pet grooming seven days a week! Pricing is based on breed, last time groomed, desired cut, etc. so call for pricing. Thank you for supporting a local business!

View Required Vaccinations for Pet Grooming

Check out a photo album of our before/after grooms on Facebook.

Meet our groomers!







Pet Services offered 7 days a week.

Union Lake Pet Services has been serving the communities of Waterford and West Bloomfield, MI for over 30 years.


6547 Cooley Lake Rd.
Waterford, MI 48327
Click here for directions.


Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 6:30pm
Sat: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Sun: 10:00am – 6:00pm

Contact Info

Phone: 248-363-6262
Fax: 248-363-7213

Get in touch!

Ready to come see us?

Request an appointment online! We can't wait to see you and your furry friends.