Take a Dog-Friendly Wellness Retreat

Take a Dog-Friendly Wellness Retreat

Why should humans have all the fun of wellness retreats? Life is hard. Sometimes a little time away can rejuvenate you enough that the trials of everyday life do not feel as stressful. If you and your dog are joined at the hip, taking a dog-friendly wellness...
The Art of the Cat Nap

The Art of the Cat Nap

A cat nap is a true inspiration. It is so special, in fact, that we humans can learn a lot from it. Cats can nap any time, any place, and in any position they so choose. How are cats so good at napping, and how can we pick up some of their tricks? Keep reading to find...
How Music Is Therapeutic for Dogs

How Music Is Therapeutic for Dogs

With humans, music therapy can help with physical rehabilitation, increase motivation, and provide support. Did you know that music can actually be therapeutic for dogs as well? There is an entire field of science—called bioacoustics—that studies how animals perceive...
How to Help an Abused Dog Recover

How to Help an Abused Dog Recover

We look at how to help an abused dog recover their trust and joy. Animal abuse is a cruel and horrific human behavior that is, unfortunately, too common. Animals who have been abused often have long-lasting scars that could follow them through the rest of their lives....
How to Find the Right Dog Training Classes

How to Find the Right Dog Training Classes

Training your canine is one of the most important responsibilities of a dog owner. In order for your dog to become a functional member of your family, he or she must be taught basic commands. Proper dog training also makes it easier and safer for your pet to interact...
Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

There are many methods of dog training. Some are more effective than others, and pets tend to respond more to one kind over another. Positive reinforcement dog training and the correction method are two of the most common training techniques. How do they compare to...